Rogue of the X-Men is untouchable at San Diego Comic-Con
Rogue of the X-Men is untouchable at San Diego Comic-Con 2011.
Rogue of the X-Men is untouchable at San Diego Comic-Con 2011.
Jubilee, Rogue, and Storm of the X-Men at WonderCon Anaheim 2017.
Joleera Blood Elf Rogue from World of Warcraft at Wizard World Anaheim 2011.
Marvel’s Rogue shares a kiss from a safe distance at Comikaze Expo 2011.
Rogue from X-Men Evolution is untouchable at Anime Expo 2011.
Gambit and Rogue from the X-Men at Long Beach Comic-Con 2015.
Rogue and Ms Marvel put aside their differences at San Diego Comic-Con 2012.
Ms Marvel and Rogue make amends at DragonCon 2012.
Phoenix, Rogue, and Gambit from the X-Men at WonderCon Anaheim 2013.
Rogue has returned from the Savage Land at Comikaze Expo 2013.
Gambit and Rogue of the X-Men at San Diego Comic-Con 2013.